Every single one of you will have to learn to endure the challenges that come at you, whether professionally or personally. Life is going to punch you in the teeth and knock you down, but how you respond is the difference between being successful + thriving versus crumbling + failing. If you expect to achieve greatness, you have to be willing to fight.
How to build mental strength
- Forgive someone — think of the person who has caused you pain and then be strong enough to let it go. Take ownership of your thoughts in order to move forward.
- Take cold showers — sure cold showers suck, but when you actively put yourself in this uncomfortable situation and outside of your comfort zone, your brain becomes conditioned to withstand difficult situations.
- Exercise — exercise does more than work your muscles; it also callouses your brain. It’s painful physically while challenging yourself mentally. Embrace the suck!
- Build a bigger knowledge base — keep learning because knowledge is power. Set aside 30-minutes a day to consume quality information, which my pick for quality info is Skillshare.
- Consume good brain food — the content you feed your brain will help you get stronger. Spend time doing productive things as well, such as taking walks, taking online classes, or talking on the phone to your mother or grandmother. Cut out the junk, including porn.
- Make your bed — 1st thing in the morning, make your bed. It builds character, it’s a positive action to start your day, and it will set your day off to be more productive.
- Stop negative self-talk — prevent yourself from going down the rabbit hole of self-destruction. Identify those times when that negative voice is talking, and punch it in the face. Often, our own thoughts dictate our actions.