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Size:Me App
AppStore (IOS) https://itunes. sizeme/id1296643818
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Flannel is freakin’ amazing! Alpha feels it’s incredibly masculine, laid back & casual, and can be combined to created amazing outfits. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro is demonstrating different options for wearing flannel.
Flawless Flannel Fit
You can have a made-to-measure flannel from the Tailor Store, and it’s one of Alpha’s new obsessions since flannel is typically big & boxy off the rack. Tailor Store is the best made-to-measure company online – period – and Alpha’s tried a ton. Tailor Store shirts have fit Alpha exactly identically from shirt-to-shirt because they use you & your body as the template. Your profile is built & stored, and then you can pick the details (buttons, color, color, everything!). Their new size:me app takes your measurements in literally less than a minute. Using your phone, it takes pictures. You add your weight & height, and then you can build a shirt directly from the app.
Alpha’s Flannel Looks
1. Distressed jeans + chukka boots + basic tee (with or without) + flannel
2. Distressed jeans + chukka boots + flannel + leather jacket
3. Patterned pants + dress loafers + flannel
4. Patterned pants + dress loafers + flannel + v-neck sweater (with or without knit tie)
5. Chinos + fashion sneakers + flannel + denim jacket