10 Struggles ONLY Guys Will Understand!

January 11, 2019
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Brio Special Offer | the BEST grooming tool Alpha has ever used!
Norelco vs Brio | Grooming Tool Battle & Review to Find the BEST!
Being a dude in today’s world is hard with everyone telling us what to do how to act, and what to say. Girls don’t understand the struggle. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro is going over struggles that women just don’t get.

Women Just Don’t Understand

1. Urinal etiquette —  which one to use? where to look?

2. The gravitational pull of a hot girl

3. Shrinkage that you have no control over

4. Desire and need to have a beard

5. Having to adjust yourself in public

6. Premature ejaculation

7. Getting a boner in public

8. Peeing with an erection

9. Hitting on women is scary! It’s hard!

10. The movie “Rudy”

Every Guy Needs an Incredible Grooming Tool

The Brio kicks the crap out of the Norelco! Alpha uses it for beard grooming and manscaping — it’s the best grooming tool he’s ever used. They’re always selling out, so grab it while they’re back in stock (and discounted!). Treat yourself, your man bush, and your beard! Brio Special Offer

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Pete & Pedro’s Body & Balls Powder is the ultimate men’s solution for keeping your balls and groin area fresh, dry, and irritation-free. This talc-free, premium cornstarch blend will also say goodbye to swamp butt and hello to long-lasting comfort!

Pete & Pedro Body & Balls Powder

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Aaron Marino (alpha m.) is the number 1 men’s lifestyle influencer with over 8 million followers combined across multiple social media channels.

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