Make a Woman Want You MORE Than a Friend! | 12 Mind Tricks Players Use

April 14, 2022
It’s time to get that spicy senorita to think of you as more than just a friend. I’m going over a few mind games that players use that you can steal to get your spicy senorita to like you. Remember, however, it’s her loss if she doesn’t like you. Make sure that you’re confident, and go into this assuming that she likes you. If she doesn’t like you yet, you can make it happen by breaking her down.

You’re more desirable if you …

  1. Accuse her of flirting with you – this will make her defensive and second guess herself. Playful bantering back and forth will start. You will know she was flirting if she begins to preen.
  2. Wear the color red (or black) – data demonstrates that when a man wears the color red, he is automatically viewed as more attractive and desirable. If you’re not wild about the color red, black is also a color that is equally as devastatingly sexy.
  3. Ask her about things she is passionate about –  one of the most prominent mistakes men make is keeping very superficial with small talk. Ask her about her hobbies and what she does on the weekends. If you can identify and then talk about topics she is excited about, she will start thinking about you more excitingly.
  4. Be more vulnerable – take down your wall. Women want an emotional connection, and when they feel emotionally connected, you are more valuable as a man to her.
  5. Look sexier – take care of your skin with Tiege Hanley and show-off those forearms.
  6. Master eye contact – if you catch her looking, I want you to hold it for 3 seconds, then look away. It’s critical you hold the gaze a little bit longer rather than quickly looking away.
  7. Flirt with her friends –  she wants the attention, so divert the attention from her to her friends. She will feel that she may lose you if she doesn’t act now.
  8. Call her cute – women do not want to be viewed as ‘cute.’ They want to be viewed as sexy,  voluptuous, and desirable.
  9. Use light touching – lightly touching her sends a subliminal message psychologically that you’re interested, which will also connect you to her a bit more.
  10. Ask her to do something for you – it’s called the Benjamin Franklin Effect, which causes people to like someone more after they do that person a favor, especially if they previously felt neutral toward them.
  11. Playfully tease her – being playful is a fun way to make her laugh.
  12. Make her laugh – if you can make her laugh or joke around with her, you have broken a barrier where she’ll automatically view you as more attractive. We like to feel good and laugh, and if you can do that, it’s game over; you win.

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