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Brio Grooming Tool
Norelco vs Brio | Grooming Tool Battle & Review to Find the BEST!
Some habits are good, some are bad… and some will make you more attractive. Habits are things we do on a consistent basis and have a direct impact on your life. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, and Pete & Pedro shares six habits that are closely tied to being attractive.
Six Habits of Highly Attractive Men
1. Consistently authentic
2. Not ashamed of looking good
3. Stand up for themselves and others
4. Take care of themselves physically (workout, drinking plenty of water, healthy balanced diet)
5. Take care of themselves emotionally
6. Ambition with goals & dream + being a hard-worker
No Shame in Your {Looking Good} Game!
When it comes to looking good, own it! To help you look good, Brio Beardscape is the best grooming tool Alpha has ever used. The Brio is amazing and the best grooming tool on the market! Check out his unsponsored side-by-side comparison: Norelco vs Brio | Grooming Tool Battle & Review to Find the BEST! Alpha uses it for his body, pubic hair, and face. If you are in the market for the superior market, you have to hit the link. And if you haven’t grabbed your Brio, they are back in stock. They sell out every time Alpha talks about them — the quality is amazing and the price is ridiculous!