In the end, it’s all about you

March 8, 2025

Life is tough. When we are younger, we all have that moment of realization where real life punches us in the face. Life isn’t as pretty as we thought it would be. At any age, we have so much negativity to live with. Still, if we think negatively and perceive life negatively, we’ll always have something to complain about.

We go through life growing up, thinking that the elders just don’t get it. At the time, we believe we understand how the world works. We are young and handsome, and the future is ours to command. Then time happens, making us the elders, but we don’t see it coming because it happens so slowly and subtly.

As much as aging isn’t fair, and we rage about it, we can’t stop it. We are wiser and hopefully have more money than when we were younger, but that youthful energy and spark fades. It’s a strange feeling when we look at trends, and we’re no longer part of the target audience – and we’re not really THAT old.

We wake up thinking differently about entertainment and music. We realize commercials are no longer aimed at our age group. The people in the ads look like kids! Our hangovers last seemingly forever, and healing from an injury seems to take exponentially longer. People around us, from family to celebrities, are starting to pass away.

Life can become more physically challenging as we age if we don’t take care of ourselves. Our bodies are our temples, so we must care for them to remain strong and flexible. At some point, we may realize that we will never climb Mt Everest, hike the Appalachian Trail from start to finish, be an Olympic or Pro athlete, or other physical realities. Sure, physical exertion can become more difficult. Still, I know of guys in their 40s and 50s who were not runners when younger but trained and ran multiple marathons. So don’t ever start thinking life is over.

Remember that saying, “Do what you love, and the money will follow?” I wish more people would learn to do that before being burdened down with family obligations and doing a job they do not like. Focus on what you really want to do and love to do, and then life will fall into place.

People are susceptible to feeling their age, as if it’s some steamroller that diminishes life, making things go downhill. Don’t fall into that thinking. Your mind and talents bring you joy and will continue to do so. And as you age, your sheer will can be better as well. Also, we thankfully stop giving a rat’s ass about what others think of us or putting up with anyone’s BS.

We also find telling the truth easier as we age. We don’t feel the need to make up a bunch of bullsh!t excuses. We just put the truth out there: “I’m not going out because I just don’t want to,” “I am sorry I’m late to work today,” or “Now that you ask, I really don’t care for the way that’s cooked.”

As I approach the age where I will be considered ‘old’, I can tell you it’s fantastic. It’s nothing to fear. What is fearful, though, is neglecting your body, mind, relationships, and health. Don’t neglect yourself when you’re younger, either. Take an active role today because getting older is inevitable. It will happen to all of us, but how you age is optional. Keep things in perspective.

Have you ever looked up to the stars and realized how super small we are? That’s the perspective I’m talking about! We are small. Each of us is less than a speck of dust in this universe, and honestly, our complaints are not unique compared to the vastness of life. Everyone will eventually experience the same or similar life challenges.

Make the most of what you have and be grateful. Treat yourself occasionally. Enjoy life by going to the movies, buying good-smelling soap and bathing in it, lying in the grass/snow/ground, dancing carefree to music, making funny faces in the mirror, and just stopping worrying so much. Just enjoy the moment, no matter what your age. AND stop caring about what people think about you — who are they in any way to affect your life?

As I said earlier, we have so much negativity to live with at any age. If you have the potential to be this negative, then you have the same potential to be just as positive. Accept that you are growing old, and if you’re fortunate enough, you’ll do it. And keep in mind that each and every one of us will die at some point. That is our purpose on earth. Stop giving so many f^cks and treat yourself with kindness and goodness because, in the end, it’s all about you.

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Aaron Marino (alpha m.) is the number 1 men’s lifestyle influencer with over 8 million followers combined across multiple social media channels.

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