8 POWER-MOVES to Make Your Crush (or EX) Jealous!

February 23, 2022
Jealousy is an incredibly powerful and raw human emotion, and most of the time, you don’t even know that it’s happening. It’s a very subconscious and primal thing. Today, I want to help you make your crush or ex incredibly jealous with some power moves specifically designed to make you feel amazing about yourself while making her incredibly jealous.

Steps to make you feel amazing and her envious!

  1. Stop simping — it’s impossible for someone to think, want, or miss you if you’re constantly up her ass.
  2. Acknowledge that you are the catch — this is all about a mindset shift. You need to believe you are amazing and that she’s lucky to have you.
  3. Reinvent yourself — transform into a more aesthetically sexy version of  yourself. Phases, which I detail, include shopping, hair, and grooming game.
  4. Stop posting stupid sh!t on social media — nobody cares about what you ate, your cute little kitten, or your ‘memories’.
  5. Be more exciting — be adventurous, spontaneous, and get out of your normal routine. Post these things on social media, especially if another woman is involved.
  6. Ask her what she thinks about another girl — this will stir up animalistic, aggressive jealousy.
  7. Flirt with another girl in front of her — this one is pretty powerful and a little bit dirty.
  8. Don’t respond super quick — wait 3-hours to respond to a text, which will make her think you have something better going on.
  9. BONUS Find someone better — don’t waste anymore time or thought on someone that doesn’t appreciate, want, or deserve you.

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