7 BRUTALLY HONEST Reasons People DON’T Respect You!

November 14, 2019
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Click to grab The Complete Guide to Hair Restoration + a $250 gift card good towards a Bosley procedure
In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM  https://iamalpham.com/ AaronMarino https://aaronmarino.com/ Pete & Pedro https://peteandpedro.com/ Tiege Hanley https://www.tiege.com/and ENEMY https://enemy.com/ is not blowing smoke up anyone’s ass in this video. He is going over brutally honest reasons why you’re not respected even though you’re a super great guy. You need self esteem and respect for ultimate alpha confidence, but you’ll shoot  yourself in the respect foot if you’re not doing these seven things.

Not Respected Even Though You’re a Great Guy? Why?

  1. You’re not a man of your word — you aren’t trusted if you aren’t a man of  your word.
  2. You look sloppy — you have 3-seconds when people are forming opinions of you. Don’t be dismissed for not dressing appropriately. Take pride in your appearance — wear clothing that make you feel confident.
  3. You are viewed as overly emotionally — express emotions but you need to control and harness them.
  4. You have poor grooming or hygiene — you can’t have bad breath, bad B.O., neck beard, nose hair, unibrow, comb over or toupee.
  5. You have weak body language — it’s about the non-verbal communicating you’re doing. Eye contact, shaking hands like you mean it, stand with chest up and shoulders back, and walk confidently.
  6. You’re viewed as immature — your style (saggy pants, graphic tees) and your actions (partying like crazy, late for work, constantly online surfing porn, not respectful to ALL people).
  7. You’re too nice — stop being a people pleaser and being overly generous. You’ll be taken advantage of.

Don’t Lose Respect by Camouflaging Hair Loss

At some point, a lot of us will start to lose hair. But the WORST thing you can do is to try to hide or camouflage it with something that looks like a ‘dead opossum’. You have two options. First, embrace it by shaving or buzzing it along with growing a little facial hair for balance and wearing cool frames. Bald men can look incredible and beautiful.

The other option is to stop it. Bosley is the hair doctor who will help you at any stage of hair loss — they have a solution or option for you. Download the free guide to hair loss and hair restoration, even if you’re not losing your hair now. It will help you identify when it’s actually happening and what you can do about it. You’ll also receive a $250 Bosley gift card toward a service after you sit down with a counselor to discuss hair loss + options. A new and exciting option that Bosley offers is a low-level laser therapy cap which has been FDA cleared and proven effective to slow or stop the rate of thinning.

Hair loss sucks — it is a confidence killer. But the worst thing you can do is to try to hide or camouflage it, because if you see someone ‘rocking a opossum’, you don’t respect them. Take action ASAP to get your hair loss under control. Click to grab The Complete Guide to Hair Restoration + a $250 gift card good towards a Bosley procedure

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Aaron Marino (alpha m.) is the number 1 men’s lifestyle influencer with over 8 million followers combined across multiple social media channels.

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