12 Stupidly Simple Ways To Be Healthier in 2024

January 3, 2024
Your health is your number one most valuable asset; however, the unfortunate reality is that being healthy requires you to pay attention and make an effort. The good news is that I am taking away the effort aspect by presenting stupidly simple ways to be healthier.
  1. Eat higher quality meat — eat organic whenever possible to avoid the hormones injected into the meat, which are bad for your endocrine system. Also, avoid processed meats like lunch, deli, and hot dogs. These are filled with nitrates, salts, and preservatives, which are bad for your body.
  2. Reduce sugar consumption — sugar spikes insulin levels and increases body fat percentage. But don’t substitute sugar with artificial sweeteners because aspartame, for example, increases the development of prostate cancer by 50%.
  3. Ditch toxic drinks— ditch sugary drinks like frappuccinos, energy drinks, and diet sodas. Add lemon to water, which tastes great and is a natural diuretic.
  4. Take a multivitamin — Ritual Essential for Men is my go-to multivitamin (and has been for years). It has traceable micronutrients, and the nutrients are absorbable. You should take a  multivitamin daily. And, for a limited time, get 40% off your first Ritual order.
  5. Care for your gut health — Good bacteria are critical for gut health because they help break down food, turning it into nutrients your body can use. I take Ritual Symbitic Plus, which is a pre-, pro-, and post- biotic — excellent for your gut health.
  6. Get outside in the morning — get sunshine early in the day to reset and calibrate your circadian rhythm. This action will also help you feel good and boost your mood. Combine it with a bit of cardio, too!
  7. Sleep 7-8 hours nightly — you need solid slumber to kickass in life and feel amazing.
  8. Spend less phone time — less time surfing will benefit you in a positive way. Also, cut out the nasty movies, which can make you feel bad about yourself and give you less motivation. These movies can also interfere with your relationship, and you will find women more beautiful.
  9. Pay attention to Big Al — you should either solo or with your partner do it at least 21 times per month to reduce future prostate issues.
  10. Use your brain daily — learn something new and never stay stagnant to stay sharp and more positive.
  11. Reset your dopamine — get rid of social media apps or at least remove them from your home screen. We have gotten conditioned to have dopamine artificially extracted from unhealthy means — by removing apps and spending less time surfing and on the movies, you can recalibrate your brain by not being inundated with sh!tty stuff. You will become more motivated and pumped to do cool things.
  12. Take care of your mental health — go to therapy, get rid of toxic people, and surround yourself with people who have your best interests in mind.
  13. **BONUS** — spend time with people who love you and make you feel good about yourself. This will improve your mood and, in turn, increase your health. When you feel good, everything else feels better.

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Aaron Marino (alpha m.) is the number 1 men’s lifestyle influencer with over 8 million followers combined across multiple social media channels.

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